Here is my front door: an old pew, some pots still awaiting spring annuals, a rusty witch hanging from the eave and the "sweet peas" sign. Last year I put moss in a blender with beer and poured it in all the cracks around the paving stones. I think it is working - little mosses seem to be appearing this spring. You can see the pile of pine cones and needles in the background. I rake them up and save them in buckets to start the woodstove - they work amazingly well!

This is my living room. And no, that is not dog pee on the rug. I had to wash up some spilled soda. When I peeled up all the floor tiles I found an oak floor - why do people do that? - and so I'm having it refinished this summer. The drum is from the University of Maine marching band and there are four of those long windows - two on each side. The side walls are chocolate and the end walls, where the brick is, are copper. I want a larger carpet (this one has big loops and Miss Emma keeps catching her toenails in it - ouch!) Any color suggestions?

This is one corner of the living room - you can really see the chocolate and copper walls here - and some chairs I picked up at a flea market for my grandchildren. The cupboard is painted with goddesses and was inspired by the winter solstice. The drapes look white but they are really a dark tan see-through. And isn't the lampshade attractive all tipped over like that? Tsk.

Here's my shotgun kitchen. Would you believe this was all dark brown paneling? I painted it three shades of green, tiled the backsplash and will replace the sink and floor this summer. I'm also hoping to get a new window for by the kitchen table. I'm also on the hunt for a retro red and chrome 1950s kitchen set - I think it will fit perfectly and I can't wait to replace this mismatched set.

MY STUDIO!! This was my former kitchen table but it is much too big for this house so it has been pressed into duty in the studio. This room is on the front of the house, overlooking a wooded area, with light on three sides. Great for painting, tiling, any craft project. This room sold me on the house - my own studio!

And here is half of my bedroom. OH DEAR LORD look at those tiles! Couldn't you kill yourself? They are coming off this summer and I'm painting the floor white with wide light blue stripes. Eventually I want a wood floor but it is not in the budget this year. I made the whimsical goddess that hangs over my bed and the pillows are cut from old chenille bedspreads. The rugs are also chenille. The other side of the room is sort of a sitting room, reading space. I love all the ocean colors and I'm hoping to make some plain white valances for the windows.
So there you have my house in Machias - where I have been trying to move to for a year and a half. The good news? It looks like the move will only be about a month away!! YAY WHOOPEE AMAZING FINALLY STUPENDOUS FANTASTIC THANK GODDESS WHEW and did I say YAY?
Oh, and why Sweet Pea Cabin? My grandmother always called me sweet pea and I've taken to saying that to Kiley, who lives across the driveway. I found the sign in an antique shop in Cherryfield and it was perfect - a place for sweet peas to gather, love and thrive.
It's a great place!
For the living room, I'd do some sort of white on the walls (off white, cream, etc). It would open it all up and let you change out your colors more freely if you get the whim too (this is my problem.. I paint a color and then get stuck with it and want to change it 6 months later!).
Good luck with the move!
Love the pics...and I agree Id do something in a cream or off white. Im curious how do you paint the floor??? What kind of paint do you use and do you have to seal it?????
I've done it before Dena and I used floor/porch paint and then sealed it. You have to let it REALLY dry - like 48 hours or more - before you go walking on it or put furniture on it. But it is really worth it.
I think I've avoided a light color on the walls in the living room because of all the light it gets - it would be very cold appearing in the winter. I'm really looking for carpet color ideas. Would a bright geometric or dots be too much?
OHMYGAWD! I am in love with SPC! Can I come stay?
Dawn sent me here today. Your place is beautiful! I love all the artwork! So cozy and lovely.
Love the name!
How will the move affect your job?
Forget about Gladys...let me come!
You ALL can come - anytime. Five minutes to the ocean. One hour to Canada - anyone on the run? Deer in the backyard...martinis on the back deck...the door is open!
Your house is just gorgeous!
I want to come too, please!
Your Sweet Pea Cottage is absolutely charming and it's so exciting for you to finally get to move there! For outside, yogurt works really well to get the mossy look too...just paint it on with a brush to attain that beautiful aged patina.
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