For the past two days, Blogger wouldn't let me in to download these pics - sorry for the delay!

Things here are chaotic!! I relocated on Tuesday and have worked my arsky off every day since. Work had to come first so you can imagine the looks of the house - even though I'm working this weekend, it will be at a slower pace than the last three days so I should start putting things in order. My son-in-law is getting the washer/dryer/air conditioners out of my office today so I can start straightening there. This will be a much needed improvement! I don't know about you, but I need my work space neat and in place before I can work. If not, my thoughts are all jumbled!
I haven't had a chance to enjoy the coast because it has rained every day and today we are completely socked in by fog. Is this almost July??? I had to wear a jacket last night and this a.m. I have a sweatshirt on! I will say that all this dampness has my flowers positively exploding - for first year growth they are truly impressive! But inside the house, I can't open some doors and can't close others. The deck is so damp that moss has started to grow on it!
The other bad thing is that FAIRPOINT - the spawn of the devil - still can't find my house. I'm pirating the Internet from my son-in-law next door. I have no Internet, fax or land line for work. urg.... Let's hope next week brings the sun and the Fairpoint service man!
How, how, how...can you live without the internet...I'm gonna pray that the Fairpoint Service Man (or Woman) shows up first thing Monday morning!!!
Here it is in the high 90's like 99 - everyday. We got a little more rain yesterday, so that help the fried lawn and wilting flower beds.
Can't take poor George out into the heat. Thank goodness he uses a litter box. Poor boy. Half of his trachea has collapsed, and he is on some pretty strong meds. If it gets worse...I'll have a really tough decision to make. I DO NOT want him to suffer. Would you and Miss Emma keep hi in your thoughts and prayers, please?
Love to you - my royal one!
Would you please send some of that cooler weather on down here to central Florida? It's sweltering out even at 7am. Nice looking couple, glad a good time was had by all! Best of luck with your internet!
Nice photos!!
Fairpoint just doesn't get it!
I'm glad I don't have to deal with them.
At least it was a nice day today !!
Fairpoint must be lost in the fog AGAIN. Nice wedding photos. Hope you get all caught up in time for enjoying the sun when it finally appears.
What lovely photos! I just love seeing photos of people weddings ( is that weird that I go looking?)
What a beautiful, beautiful bride!
Having no internet can NOT be fun!!!! The new couple are gorgeous!!!! Hope that things start getting back to normal for you soon (HUGZ)
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