This is my sweet daughter-in-law Amanda - opening gifts at her baby shower Saturday. It was held at her home in Detroit to make it a bit easier and she isn't due until Nov. 9 so she has plenty of time to go through her gifts and see what she is missing. I don't think she can be missing anything - she got a bazillion outfits, stroller, car seat, bike carriage, swing, diapers, books. Everything was wonderful!

I stayed at BFF Donna's house which was lovely - it gave us a chance to talk and catch up. Faye and Kiley stayed at my son's and we all headed back to Machias early Sunday. Only one more day of vacation and I'm going mackerel fishing on the Eastport pier. I know my fishing ability so I'm bringing lunch and a good book!
I'm with Kiley...the food is where it's at! Some of your readers may think you made a quick trip to MI...but we in Maine know better. Enjoy Eastport and your last day of vacation!
Wow - that was some awesome pile 'o gifts!
Enjoy you day of fishing!
I think Kiley has the right idea. Cupcakes are ON the table not under it!
Looks like a baby store! Enjoy the last day of your vacation.
LOL @ Kiley's observations!
Looks like a fabulous time was had by all.
And now, oddly enough, I'm craving cupcakes!
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