Saturday, July 24, 2010

I've been painting up a storm....but first =

Just a little dinghy (haven't we all been there) sort of abandoned in a flower-filled field. Neglected. Forlorn. But at the same time just lovely and peaceful.

Fish on a plate....inspired by Cape Cod....

I've been painting red teapots all weekend. Big ones, smaller ones. Fat ones and tall ones. I am having so much fun. There is something magical in a tea pot - I actually have a small collection. Women have been gathering around tea pots forever: sharing their secrets, telling their stories, seeking comfort and solace and celebrating joyous events and accomplishments. Not to mention how damn good a cup of tea tastes.....

See anything you might like??? Have a great weekend!


Lili said...

Sharon, those are WONDERFUL! Love how you added the script to the Fish on a Plate! And who doesn't love a vibrant red, swirling steaming pot of tea!! You just impress me so much!! ~Lili

Hazel Mitchell said...

Love the boat photo. And what can I say TEA!!!

Unknown said...

I love the boat pic too. Enough so, that I'd like to copy and enlarge it, get it matted and framed. Being a "calm" picture, it'd fit right in.

Lovin' the coffee pot on the floor to the right. The one with the swirly steam wafting up. It's a fun picture. I have a plate that I'm pulling those same colors from in my kitchen. hmmmmm......wonder how that'd look on that