The wonderful, beautiful Karlin welcomed everyone that came - even though there were a few bumps in the road like an overflowing dishwasher, a crash between a two year old and a husky, a drowned ATV, a great time was had by all~

Here is my niece Jessica setting up her tent - I think after a pretty horrible experience at Lovely's Motel in Newport, everyone will be tenting next year!

There were horseshoes - here's Danny and Russ getting very serious...

And lots of fun conversations...girlie style...

The talent show was a big hit - Here is Tobin, my great-nephew, showing off his hula hoop skills!

And his sister Amelia was amazing! The pair won best in show and got the first annual BETTYFest award...

Even Karlin performed - here he is doing the Smarty Pants Dance!

Yup, that's me with Jenny's arms! We did a Julia Child's skit about making the perfect peanut butter sandwich while drinking wine directly from the bottle!

Jenny acted as awards' announcer!

My sister Debra performed Sandra Dee from "Grease"...

My nephew David sang (the only accomplished performer in our group!)

And the boys did a terrible finger-snapping poetry rendition....just so bad!

My sisters were Sonny and Cher and really made us laugh! That's Susan on the left and Robin on the right - they were fantastic!

We can't wait for next year!!!!!!
Oh how I wish I had seen the Julia Childs skit ...
Wish I could have been there...your family sounds like such a fun and loving bunch!
Hey Oh Royal One - I'm needing some prayers, if you've got some time available:
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