I bought these lovlies earlier this week at a local florist - who, goddess bless her, calls me whenever a shipment of tulips arrives. There is nothing that says spring like tulips and the color of these is just such bit of warmth in the chill of this winter. If I scrunch myself down and look right into the flowers, I can pretend I'm on my belly in a big patch of bright green grass. It is deep into spring and the birds are noisy and the bees are buzzing in my ears and the sun is hot on my back. If I could, I'd sent a bouquet to each of you.
Tulips sure say Spring to me! Beautiful flowers. Wishing you warm happy thoughts!
I'm so glad that SassyDog drops by. We are two of the "Goddesses" of Lakeland. Oh how I miss her.
I'm glad that you are enjoying your flowers!
Butchart Gardens on Victoria British Columbia has the most beautiful tulips. They were even more beautiful than the tulips in Holland.
These are just sooo beautiful and it's easy to see why they brighten your day!
Nothing says spring like Tulips!!
Tulips are SO pretty. Mine always droop though and what's sad is I know there's a way to make them stand up but I can't remember what you put in the water to do it.
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