But awards come with rules! (Don't you know yet how much I hate rules?)
The rules for the Honest Scrap award:
The honorees are to:
A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
Here goes (and I'm not sure my children even know some of these things):
1. I have four tattoos. Isn't giving me a bath in the nursing home going to be interesting??
2. My first real job was tending the aquariums in a W.T. Grant Store in Windsor Locks, Ct. I was fired.
I have also:
Driven a garbage truck.
Sold baby clothes for Sage and Allen.
Been a waitress at Friendly Ice Cream, Wurdig's Restaurant and Tony's Pizzaria.
Taught second grade.
Managed a slaughterhouse.
Typed in a typing pool (in the days when we still typed on typewriters.)
Catered stag parties with my first and dearest mother in law.
Operated a day care.
3. I named my first son David after David Draghi who went to my high school and looked absolutely GORGEOUS in oxford cloth, button-down collar shirts. He didn't know I was alive.
4. I've skinny dipped in approximately seven bodies of water (not counting swimming pools) in four different states.
5. I was once so busy at work that I rushed home to serve my two children, Daniel and Faye, who were both born on Feb. 2, two Hostess chocolate cupcakes with candles stuck in them, before rushing back to work. I have never forgiven myself.
6. I once chased a herd of teenage boys out of a tent occupied by teenage girls who were having a sleep over in my hay field. They all hated me for that.
7. I have gone to Washington D.C. to picket BOTH the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. In a related incident, I was arrested for chaining myself to the capital steps in Hartford, CT., and thrown in a real "paddy wagon" and my father, a proud member of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Forty-and-Eight, refused to bail me out of jail. I was ecstatic but somehow lost my shoes and had to wear paper booties to court.
8. I was once kicked in the face by a man.
9. I was also tied to tree in my front yard when I was 12 by my brother when my parents went to a wedding. I was there so long I peed my pajama bottoms. I retaliated by whacking him on the head with a metal pot holder loom.
10. I have hosted 38 exchange students from all over the world - Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam....they remain in a secret place in my heart forever.
There - I'm sure many of you know far more about me now than you ever wanted to...
And here is who I pass the Honest Scrap Award to:
Weldable cookies - who challenges me every day with her honesty.
Gladys Tells All - who looks the truth in the face and laughs at it.
Bluebirdbaby - whose softness and gentleness makes the truth run away, scared for itself.
a la mode - who has a direct and funny way of getting to the truth.
Chatting at the sky - who although she is from the land down under, is tops with me.
Alright ladies - let's read your 10 honest truths!

Once again - you didn't "let me down". Funny,funny,funny! - Man Oh Man - if only I could get you and Jientje to move next door to me. What a life I could live!
Love Ya Queenie - Libby
Oh hell. what haven't I told? It's all been honest, but there's not much left that doesn't cross some kind of legal line for bloggers. I'll have to figure out what to do.
And thank you very much. I am flattered. Panicked, but flattered.
By the land down under, do you mean the South!?! What have you against us, might I ask? :)
Thanks for the award!! And I have to ask are you from Bar Harbor??! That is where The Man and I went on our honeymoon 8 years ago and I can't wait to go back. We loved Maine. Lucky you!!
And I have nothing near as interesting to share as any of your awesome things. You wore paper booties to court!! That is epic.
Congrats on the award. I've always wanted to host exchange students but the thought of strangers in my home always stopped me. I have friends who have done it and they are always so happy when they talk about it. Maybe one day.
Wow. Those are some great stories there. I especially related to the tied-to-a-tree story, although mine was a pole in the basement (in the dark). Popped over from Gladys's place...
Great revelations.....can't we expand to 20? I'd love to hear more. 38? I could never be that organized. You have my unabashed admiration. Thank you for sharing and thank you, too, for the soul-baring cupcake story. I feel for you. I forget my mothering successes but never the failures!
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