Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The skunk man cometh!!

I took an ad out in the local weekly paper yesterday. It read:

"HELP HELP HELP! The King Kong of skunks is terrorizing our neighborhood. Small children and dogs are trapped inside. Please call quickly! HELP!"

My hero called tonight. His name is Ted and he will arrive tomorrow in a red Ford Ranger with a live-trap for the King of Kongs.

He will set the trap and I am supposed to call him when his royal Kingness is trapped inside. Then I pay him twenty bucks and he takes away the King.

And then let's hope that peace will reign in my little kingdom again.


nfmgirl said...

Hopefully he's a reputable and licensed trapper that is going to relocate the skunk rather than drop the trap into a lake and drown it. As many as 50% of relocated animals don't survive relocation and their babies usually die, but their odds are better with a reputable trapper.

Lili said...

Wow, wonder how he will keep from getting sprayed when he comes to pick the little bugger up...and I also wonder what else Ted will do for $20 bucks. Good deal!

Dawn Fortune said...

I think if Ted plays his cards right, he can milk lots of $20 bills from neighborhoods all over town. All he's got to do is release your monster behind the shed of someone six blocks away, or on the other side of the stream, and ... wait for the call. "We've got a HUGE skunk - come save us!"

And Nester, they use cages small enough so the skunk cannot lift his tail high enough to spray. They throw a blanket over the thing (he won't spray in there, either) and take him far away (or not, as theorized above) and release him.

There are plenty of woods and good places nearby for him to set up his new digs, I wouldn't worry about him getting drowned...

Libby's Library said...

Let's hope nobody gets hurt (or sprayed)!

Queenie said...

Of course I checked this guy out with IFW first - he releases them unharmed and comes highly recommended. He takes them to Township 24, a gravel pit, opens the crate and waits in his truck for them to amble off. He even offered to take me along if I was questioning where they go. Not me. Just getting rid of it will make me happy!

Gladys said...

So we won't be singing "Dead Skunk In the middle of the road, Stinkin to HIGH heaven"?

Lili said...

Thanks Dawn... I learn the darndest things on here! And Queenie, I'm probably just curious enough to want to see how fast Ted has to be when he opens up the crate. AND thank goodness I don't have any real estate listings to try to sell in Township 24!

Becky said...

Hoping he's successful!