Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today was not about creativity. It was about work.

Lots of work today - three stories, first interview was before 10 a.m. and I just finished - 9:30 p.m. A long day.

In between, I got the oven cleaned.

Oh get over yourself, Queenie - it's a self-cleaning oven.

Well, I did clean out about four pounds of papers, coffee cups, empty water bottles and one pair of socks from the floor of my car. There actually was one of my granddaughter's diapers in there too - just a wet one, no poopies - but I wasn't going to admit that. Okay, I know, you hate me now.

Then I went on a marathon errand ride: post office, bank, gas station, police station, card store, grocery store, redemption center and back to the post office to mail Easter cards to my grandsons. And I still forgot to buy mayonnaise.

If it would only stop being so dismally dark and rainy. Maybe I could get something done.


Becky said...

I'm tired just trying to keep up with your errand running today. You are a real whirlwind! The worst thing though is forgetting the mayo, I can't live without my mayo! Matter of fact I need another jar, too. I will have to use the spatula to clean out the old jar!

Libby's Library said...

Mayonnaise seems to be one of those purchases that we never remember to make. I've been meaning to buy a jar for close to 5 weeks now, and I still don't have any!!!

Onedia said...

Queenie, thanks for giving me the link to read more. I am sure it will be interesting because I like your writing here and we are planning a move downeast when we can make it happen. Meanwhile, we are driving up in a couple of weeks or so. I am reading lots of blogs from downeast as well as other sources about Maine to learn more.


rachaelgking said...

My house can never be without A) mayo, B) ketchup, and C) hot sauce. Cause we're klassy like that.