Randomness #1:
Several of you asked about my paintings so I'm showing off today: an on-line gallery of some recent completions.
The scenic is quite large 3x3', while the others are 24 x 36" or in the case of the red dress, just 12 x 12 inches. I paint the whole canvas, including the edges, the stems of those daisies wrap right around the bottom. I also often paint right over another painting and most of the time I write things on the canvas before I paint. Secret thoughts, things I want to celebrate or bad things I want to discard or "paint over."
I've talked about my style before - how I paint large, whimsical characters with little detail so that my brother and sister, both legally blind, can see them. It's very hard, sometimes, especially with commissions, to see past all the detail and try to capture the sense of place, the way it feels. Mostly, however, it is a very selfish thing. It's all about how the painting makes ME feel. If you happen to like it, that's even better, for both my soul and my wallet!
Randomness #2:
The full moon party was last night and it was very warm out (I think our January thaw got lost and wound up in February) - about 33 degrees - so everyone really enjoyed skiing in the park. All the food and drink was great too. Everyone brought great stuff, as usual: Maine shrimp, homemade dill bread, dips, treats.. My shredded chicken with orzo stew was good, if just a bit too thick, and the ziti and sausage came out fine. There was a lot of laughter and conversation - we are so easy and loving with each other!
Randomness #3:
Is it unreasonable to be peeved at people who confirm they are coming to your party and then never show up, without a word as to why?
Randomness #4:
I keep thinking about that old black and white movie with Don Knotts called The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. Man, I love that movie. Remember the pipe organ that played all by itself?
Randomness #4:
Today I gave my LOVE sermon at church - I managed to hang onto the paper clip this time and not decapitate the organist. But it wasn't any easier this time than the first time. I was terrified. I liked my sermon but I thought it was a little too serious. I've got to inject some humor in there next time!
Randomness #6:
I need you people to remind me to shave my legs before I leave for Florida. And pack my cell phone charger.
Randomness #7:
Who has a GREAT recipe for date bars that taste just like my Grandmother Amelia Henrietta's?
Randomness #8:
In my nod to my anal retentve disorder, I packed my suitcase for Florida this morning. WOOO - I pulled out that brilliant tourquoise bathing suit and coverup; my favorite jean capris; my flip flops; SHORT sleeve shirts. I packed my sunscreen and two new, hopefully riveting books.
Yes. I know. I'm not leaving for SEVEN days....but you just cannot leave these things to the last minute. You know what I'm saying? Who knows what kind of fun might come along and distract me this week? And then I would be packing four minutes before the plane begins taxiing down the runway and end up with 6 woolen socks, thermal underwear, and the capris from last summer that no longer fit me.
Randomness #9:
Can there be any greater combination that Coke on ice, hot buttered popcorn and a good book?
Randomness #10:
My son-in-law Matt is coming to stay overnight tonight on his way to Portland. Thank goddess: I have an incredible over abundance of ziti and sausage and there is nothing like a 6-foot, 8-inch man to help you with leftovers!
First I love your paintings. Second SHAVE YOUR DAMN LEGS! Third I don't drink soda's so for me it's an Arnold Palmer and popcorn. Oh and date bars OMG does anyone still make those. I love those. Fourth You and I are too much a like. I usually pack at least a week before a trip and will continue to put things in and take things out as I watch the weather channel religiously. Fifth I thought about you last night coming home from the Winter Carnival. The moon was so big and full and I said. "Hum I should be dancing under the fool moon with my lunar sister." I said LUNAR not looney!;)
Love the single & the red dress paintings
I'll try to remind you to shave your legs( as I wouldn't want to have to stare at hairy ones), should we manage to meet up somewhere. And be sure to pack your phone charger, cause I want you to call me when you get here!
I have a recipe for date bars, back home...
BUT don't know if they are anything like your Aunt Henrietts's.
It's always good to get things done ahead of time.
Single Daisy - Someday, I'll remember to edit before I hit Post Comment!
I love whimsy and your art is wonderful! For me, the one with the blue water really draws me in. And I love that you write secrets on the canvas before you paint, what a creative mind you have! pssst, how's the bald ladies one coming along? (sorry, I hate to be nudged about art projects, but I suspect in time you'll reveal your finished version.)
Be sure to keep a check on our crazy Florida weather. Tonight the weatherman said another cold front was on its way,didn't listen long enough to hear when. I will pay closer attention when it's on again. Just be prepared for anything! Neat paintings!
Your paintings are beautiful, the colors you use are really something. And your son-in-law is 6'8" tall??? Holy crap!
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