I leave for Florida Sunday morning but I have today and tomorrow to just go easy and relax....I haven't quite gotten to the point that I can turn off my police/fire scanner, but I have turned off my work phone. I spent more time than usual with the crossword puzzle, I'm still in my jammies, and I'm relishing another cup of coffee.
There is a fabulous program at my church called The Welcome Table, which my fabulous BFF Trudy organized. The church kitchen and dining area is open every Friday from 10:30 to 2:30 for socialization and warmth. A free lunch is also served and civic groups and businesses all over town send a volunteer team each Friday to prepare and serve the food. A local church canceled at the last minute so I'm helping out there today. I great way to spend my first day, I think.
Then a bunch of us are going bowling. Doesn't that sound nerdy and so 1950s? I CAN'T WAIT! I grew up across the street from a bowling alley and we used to sneak there all the time.
I say sneak because to my parents, the bowling alley was on par with rock and roll and cigarettes - somehow the combination of those three would turn us into crazed juvenile killers who would ride around in coupes and convertibles, throwing molatav cocktails into local shops and businesses and pillaging the rest of the town.
We would abandon circle pins and box pleated skirts and white blouses with peter pan collars. No more penny loafers. Gone would be the demure "flip" hairdo, replaced by a messy beehive and heavy-handed mascara.
They expected us to cuff our ciggies in our t-shirt sleeves, roll our jeans and, o dear god, begin drag racing out at the abandoned airport runway.
They knew we would drop out of high school and eventually become that dirty, bummy person that hangs around downtown buying booze for underage kids in exchange for a pint to keep "on the hip."
We would get tattoos and have unprotected sex and end up in homes for unwed mothers.
Still, every Friday, my brother and I, and the kids across the street, Rusty and Janice, used to pretend we were tired and we would go to bed early. We then would jump out our second story windows and high tail it to the bowling alley. The boys would play pool and Janice and I would watch all the other boys. Our parents were such heavy sleepers that, hours later, we were able to just walk back in through the front door.
Of course we eventually were caught when our parents were enjoying a summer night by sitting on our and their front steps and each set of parents watched as the other set of parents' kids bailed out the window. Curtains for us.
I have to admit, though, that even now, more than 40 years later, the sound of bowling pins crashing makes my head swivel and begin searching for the hottest guy in the alley - the one with the rolled jeans and the tight white t-shirt. OMG, it's probably the janitor.
P.S. While I'm away, would all of you lurkers sign in as blog followers please? Just click on the box on the top right that says "follow this blog." It is really simple and if I get enough followers I can begin making some money from this blog through Google Ad. If you visit frequently, please sign in. It makes me feel loved and wanted. And I need the money.
I didn't hang out at the bowling alley, it was the skating rink for me. We won't even talk about sneaking out. We had a big bay window in our bedroom with side windows that went all the way to the floor. Can you believe my mother would actually put two teenage girls in this room? Yeah we would sneak out and smoke cigarettes and talk to boys.
Now do you have your sun screen?
Bathing suit?
Flip flops?
Hot Pink Nail Polish on Freshly manicured and pedicured nails?
You just described my life, just kidding. I was never brave enough to sneak out but my sister sure did! I do like bowling except it breaks my nails. Never did much skating afraid I'd knock my teeth out. Trust me I did do stupid stuff. Beautiful weather today, hope it'll be just like this for ya'll
I lived out in the country far far away from any town. No sneaking out anywhere for me. Sounds like a great time though and sure good for memories all these years later.
When I was 20 and living with my boyfriend (soon to be husband) I discovered that I was pregnant. My mothers first words? I KNEW this would happen, because you always liked going to that darn bowling alley !
I'm still trying to figure that one out!!
Make sure that you bring some Lysol spray with you, so that you can disinfect those bowling shoes. I think that they are the real cause of Bowling Alley Pregnancies!
Shave them legs again, before you head out on Sunday
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