Friday, November 28, 2008

Today is full of sadness.

A few hours ago my daughter called with the horrific news that they have found her husband Matt's brother, Jake, dead in Detroit, Michigan. It appears it might have been a drug overdose. He was 25. Matt's mother is beside herself so Matt, Faye and Kiley have left for Detroit to comfort her.

My heart aches for Matt, who is one of the kindest people I know, to think of the pain he is suffering right now. He just lost his beloved father last year, and Jake was his only sibling. Jake was in the Marines and, upon his return from Iraq several years ago, he was in a horrific car accident. He received serious head injuries which left him with impairments. Since the accident, he had struggled with life and his ability to cope with most situations was compromised. He had been living in an assisted-situation but continued to struggle.
Matt worried about him daily.
My thoughts and energy are with my children today as they take this sad journey.


Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry.

Dawn Fortune said...

gut check. Bless those beautiful parents of Kiley as they walk through this. And bless you for being with them for support. I wish I knew what to say, but I am out of words.